Monthly Archives: April 2010

Property Tax Relief: How Does a Circuit Breaker Work?

April 30, 2010. The New York State Property Tax Reform Coalition explains in plain language. Also see their circuit breaker calculator based on the Galef/Little reform bill. The  April 2010 issue of Land Lines, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy's quarterly magazine, has a six-page article devoted to circuit breakers and how they work to relieve property tax burden, including a full page sidebar on "New York's Effort to Provide Targeted Tax Relief." Read the article - Property Tax Relief: The Case for Circuit Breakers >>

2012-03-15T06:52:02-04:00April 30th, 2010|Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget|

New York Has the Ways and Means: How and Why Wall Street Should Give Back to Main Street

April 19, 2010. This new report details how a temporary bonus tax and other Wall  Street measures could ease New York's budget crisis and fund property tax relief for the most burdened households. Sensible options for closing the state  budget gap meet three goals: Support rather than undermine the needs of New York families. Minimize the  negative impact of this year’s budget decisions on the fragile state economy. Require the New York financial industry - which bears responsibility for much  of the negative impact on [...]

Immigrants in Work Force: Study Belies Image

April 15, 2010. Today's New York Times featured an article by Julia Preston based on FPI data together with related materials  - data and interviews. Immigrants in Work Force: Study Belies Image. By Julia Preston. Immigrants and Growth graphic. After Their Arrival video and photo interviews with four men and women from across the world and the economic spectrum.

2012-06-10T22:36:58-04:00April 15th, 2010|Blog|

Across the Spectrum: The Wide Range of Jobs Immigrants Do

April 15, 2010. Immigrants are by no means all low-wage workers in the 25 largest metropolitan areas, as this new report shows. In many metro areas, there are more higher-skilled immigrants than there are lower-skilled. Surprisingly, these are not the metro areas with the most economic growth; rather, they are areas with low overall immigration, including Pittsburgh, Detroit, and St. Louis. This is a companion report to Immigrants and the Economy, published November 2009.

2012-04-19T00:19:46-04:00April 15th, 2010|Migration, Reports, Briefs and Presentations|

Establishing a Fair, Adequate and Economically Sensible State-Local Tax System

April 7, 2010. This policy brief from FPI reviews specific revenue raising options that would  enable New York to close its budget gap while making the overall tax system  fairer and minimizing damage to the economy. The brief was released as the Better Choice Budget Campaign announced a statewide TV ad campaign to raise awareness of opportunities to raise revenues in ways that minimize damage to the state's fragile economy - including closing corporate tax loopholes and asking Wall Street to help bail out Main [...]

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