Tax Policy

The Medicaid MCO Tax Strategy

The legislative one-house budgets come out firmly for higher Medicaid spending, restoring most of the governor’s cuts and offering significant rate increases. But how will they pay for it? The Senate and Assembly budget memos propose to raise $4 billion a year through an obscure mechanism: A tax on Medicaid managed care plans, the private insurance companies which administer most of the state’s Medicaid program.

2024-09-09T14:18:03-04:00March 19th, 2024|Blog, Featured on Home, Healthcare, State Budget, Tax Policy|

Tax Policy Brief: Fiscal Stability and Progressivity in the Personal Income Tax

New York State often faces calls for higher tax revenue, whether due to concerns over revenue shortfalls or a desire to increase public spending. This brief assesses the soundness of raising revenue through the Personal Income Tax, examining the fiscal stability of such revenue, fundamental fairness considerations, and responses to common arguments against raising the state income tax.

2024-03-28T20:58:23-04:00March 8th, 2024|Must Read, Policy & Research, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

High Earners Move Out Of New York Less Often Than Working & Middle Class And Do Not Move In Response To Tax Hikes

A groundbreaking new report from the Fiscal Policy Institute, “Who Is Leaving New York State? Income Trends” reveals for the first time that the richest New Yorkers are far less likely to move out of New York than working and middle-class New Yorkers in normal, non-Covid years. While this pattern temporarily changed during Covid, when all households earning over $170,000 significantly increased their likelihood of moving out of state, migration trends reverted to normal in 2022.

2024-04-08T13:45:21-04:00December 5th, 2023|Migration, Must Read, Press Releases, State Budget, Tax Policy|

Latest Census Data Confirms New York Losing Residents to Neighboring States with Lower Housing Costs

New Census data revealed that New York State lost a net total of 244,100 people in 2022. The latest Census data, which details state-to-state migration patterns, confirms the Fiscal Policy Institute's prior findings: New Yorkers are primarily moving to neighboring states with a lower cost of living, and in particular, lower housing costs. Meanwhile, less than half of New Yorkers are leaving for low tax states. This data confirms State fiscal policy should focus on turning New York into a place where people can afford to live and raise families — from investing in universal childcare and high-quality public education to affordable housing and reliable public transit. Conversely, budget cuts or underfunding will only hinder New York's economic recovery. Increasingly unaffordable housing and childcare, combined with shrinking state services, will continue to drive both individuals and businesses out of our state.

2023-10-21T15:14:47-04:00October 20th, 2023|Migration, Press Releases, Tax Policy|

Low Expectations: Understanding the NYC Budget Gap

The Fiscal Policy Institute today released a new report, "Low Expectations: Understanding the NYC Budget Gap." Through an analysis of the past ten years of New York City outyear budget gaps, the report illustrates how the City uses conservative budget forecasting to protect against economic downturns, and outlines why lawmakers should not misinterpret outyear budget gaps as large impending deficits.

2023-10-21T15:10:53-04:00May 23rd, 2023|City Budget, Tax Policy|

Overview of Fiscal Year 2024 Executive vs Legislative Budget Proposals

The fiscal year 2024 Executive Budget limits spending growth to 2.0 percent, with new spending concentrated in Medicaid and School Aid. In contrast, the Assembly proposes budget growth of 5.9 percent, reflecting additional investments in the MTA, SUNY and CUNY, and assistance for low-income renters, paid for through increased taxes on multimillionaires and corporations.

2023-09-06T13:53:21-04:00March 29th, 2023|State Budget, Tax Policy|

The Cost of New Property Tax Breaks for Local Government

Tackling New York State’s housing crisis is a central priority of the fiscal year 2024 executive budget. The budget proposes a suite of policy responses designed to create 800,000 new housing units, especially in the New York metropolitan area. Many of these measures, including required changes to local land use policy, are appropriately ambitious, given the urgency of the state’s housing shortfall.

2023-09-08T10:19:00-04:00March 29th, 2023|City Budget, State Budget, Tax Policy|

Tax Policy Brief: Estimating Revenue from a More Progressive Income Tax

New York’s budget is largely funded through the state’s personal income tax (PIT). Between 2015 and 2020, state revenue from the personal income tax totaled between $47 billion and $55 billion annually. In 2021, the New York state legislature voted to create new PIT brackets for individuals earning over $1 million annually. This change created a more progressive state income tax system, so that those who earn more pay a larger share of their income in taxes.

2023-09-08T10:20:46-04:00March 10th, 2023|State Budget, Tax Policy|

Fact vs Fiction: The Truth About New York’s Corporate Tax

March 8, 2023 Most businesses do not pay the corporate tax. Only corporations pay the corporate tax, and approximately 95% of businesses are not corporations. [1] Most businesses are partnerships, LLCs, S-corporations, or sole proprietorships, none of which pay the corporate tax. The biggest corporations pay most of the tax. More than 80% of corporations in New York pay less than $1,000 in tax. [2] Around 75% of all New York corporate tax revenue comes from the 500 most [...]

2023-09-08T11:05:11-04:00March 7th, 2023|Fact Sheets, Migration, Tax Policy|
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