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How the CDPAP Transition Could Leave Thousands of Home Care Workers Uninsured

The statewide transition to PPL on April 1 risks being a catastrophe for home care workers – lowering wages while eliminating health insurance coverage for tens or even hundreds of thousands of workers. Neither PPL nor the state has offered any explanation of why this is happening or what PPL intends to do about it; many workers are currently seeking information about whether they will still have health insurance on April 1.

2025-03-25T14:06:57-04:00March 17th, 2025|Featured on Home, Healthcare|

The Federal Housing Policy Landscape

State housing policy relies heavily on two federal programs that support housing affordability: the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as “Section 8” vouchers). These two programs underpin most affordable housing construction in the US and play an important role in the provision of affordable housing in New York State.

2024-12-18T15:56:17-05:00December 9th, 2024|Blog, Featured on Home, Housing, Social Policy|

Making Sense of New York’s Medicaid Long-Term Care Spending

New York spends more on Medicaid long-term care than most states, but this higher spending is driven primarily by higher enrollment, particularly among seniors, rather than by higher per-enrollee spending. This high enrollment reflects policymakers’ decision to make long-term care, particularly home care, relatively accessible for working- and middle-class seniors.

2024-12-20T00:17:18-05:00December 4th, 2024|Blog, Featured on Home, Healthcare, Social Policy|

Understanding Childcare Policy in New York

Childcare in New York State is unaffordable for many families, yet inadequately supports its workers. The State’s childcare costs are the third highest in the U.S., putting a strain on family budgets across the income distribution. The Bronx and Brooklyn have the costliest childcare as a share of family income of any county in the U.S.

2025-03-18T15:24:05-04:00November 1st, 2024|Blog, Education, Featured on Home|

Who is Leaving New York State? Part II: Social Characteristics

The Fiscal Policy Institute today released a new report in its state migration series, "Who Is Leaving New York State? Social and Labor Characteristics", which finds that affordability — and in particular housing and the cost of raising a family — are increasingly driving State population loss.

Fact Sheet on Proposed Housing Deal

The housing deal currently under consideration in budget negotiations (as publicly reported) would create new tax incentives for affordable housing developers, weaken certain tenant protections passed in 2019, and impose a watered-down version of “Good Cause Eviction” with significant exemptions and loopholes.

Debunking Common Misconceptions about the Size of the State Budget

Under the fiscal year 2025 executive budget, inflation-adjusted state funding would fall for a third consecutive year. While State spending rose in response to Covid, it will return to its pre-Covid trend by fiscal year 2025.

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