
Proposal to Recapture High End Federal Tax Cut Windfall

December 20, 2010. In the wake of the historic agreement between the President and the Republican Congressional leadership to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest, the New York City Council's Progressive Caucus has developed an interesting proposal. The proposal calls for the state of New York to impose a temporary income tax surcharge to recapture for New York the "windfall" high income New York filers will be receiving. Related: an op-ed by Brad Lander, co-chair of the Progressive Caucus.

2020-10-27T13:09:42-04:00December 10th, 2010|Blog, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

Stiglitz calls for a second stimulus at FPI event

October 8, 2010. FPI presented its Frances Perkins Working People's award to Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz at an event in Manhattan on October 7. In his acceptance remarks, Stiglitz made a strong case for additional economic stimulus to put the country firmly on the road to recovery. A good summary of Stiglitz's remarks by Kathy Brady of the New York City Employment and Training Coalition is available in the October 8 edition of NYCETC's newsletter, the NYC Workforce Weekly. Article >>

New York Not-for-Profits Fighting Governor’s Vetoes

July 27, 2010. Governor Paterson's vetoes eliminated funds for the 2010 fiscal year and previous years - funds that had been promised by legislators to not-for-profits for a variety of critical services and needed programs in local communities throughout the state. Albany press conference: FPI's Frank Mauro and Ron Deutsch of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness were among the speakers. Sponsored by the New York AIDS Coalition, New York State Catholic Conference, New York State Community Action Association, New York Library Association, New York State [...]

Groups Call Upon Schumer and Gillibrand to Restore Medicaid and COBRA Health Insurance Funding

June 8, 2010. This press release from coalition partners highlights FPI's analysis of the impact on New York State and New York City of a 6-month extension of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's increased share of state Medicaid costs. The groups also call for extension of ARRA's assistance with COBRA premiums.

2020-11-13T15:06:55-05:00June 8th, 2010|Blog, Healthcare, Social Policy, Tax & Budget|

Property Tax Relief: How Does a Circuit Breaker Work?

April 30, 2010. The New York State Property Tax Reform Coalition explains in plain language. Also see their circuit breaker calculator based on the Galef/Little reform bill. The  April 2010 issue of Land Lines, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy's quarterly magazine, has a six-page article devoted to circuit breakers and how they work to relieve property tax burden, including a full page sidebar on "New York's Effort to Provide Targeted Tax Relief." Read the article - Property Tax Relief: The Case for Circuit Breakers >>

2012-03-15T06:52:02-04:00April 30th, 2010|Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget|

Immigrants in Work Force: Study Belies Image

April 15, 2010. Today's New York Times featured an article by Julia Preston based on FPI data together with related materials  - data and interviews. Immigrants in Work Force: Study Belies Image. By Julia Preston. Immigrants and Growth graphic. After Their Arrival video and photo interviews with four men and women from across the world and the economic spectrum.

2012-06-10T22:36:58-04:00April 15th, 2010|Blog|

Establishing a Fair, Adequate and Economically Sensible State-Local Tax System

April 7, 2010. This policy brief from FPI reviews specific revenue raising options that would  enable New York to close its budget gap while making the overall tax system  fairer and minimizing damage to the economy. The brief was released as the Better Choice Budget Campaign announced a statewide TV ad campaign to raise awareness of opportunities to raise revenues in ways that minimize damage to the state's fragile economy - including closing corporate tax loopholes and asking Wall Street to help bail out Main [...]

The Ravitch Plan

March 11, 2010. James Parrott, FPI's Deputy Director  and Chief Economist, was a guest on the Brian Lehrer Show today. He discussed Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch's plan to reform the New York  State budget process and to borrow money to help solve New York State's fiscal  problems. Listen >>

2012-04-11T19:03:56-04:00March 11th, 2010|Blog, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

Revenue-raising and cost-saving options

February 22, 2010. The Fiscal Policy Institute worked with the other members of the Better Choice Budget Campaign to develop a menu of revenue-raising and cost-saving options for consideration by the Governor and Legislature as they work to adopt a balanced budget for 2010-2011. The chart of options was distributed at a press conference today at which advocates urged the governor and legislature to make "better choices" to balance the state budget - calling for more federal aid, and for Wall Street to help Main Street. FPI, New Yorkers [...]

Who Pays? Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States

November 18, 2009. A new study from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), co-released by FPI, shows that middle-income families in New York pay a higher share of their income in state and local taxes (12.0 percent) than do the state's richest families (who pay only 9.4 percent of their income in state and local taxes). Data for New York, full report, 50 states.

Property Tax Relief for New Yorkers

October 19, 2009. At a public forum hosted by Assemblyman Marcus Molinaro in Hopewell Junction, Frank Mauro of the Fiscal Policy Institute discussed the workings of New York State's current property tax system, and John Whiteley of the New York State Property Tax Reform Coalition discussed property tax relief and reform options for New York State. Watch the video >>

2012-03-06T21:11:15-05:00October 19th, 2009|Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget|
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