Economists to Governor: Raise High-End Income Taxes To Help Close Budget Gaps

December 13, 2008 |

December 13, 2008. 120 economists from throughout New York State joined together this week to send a message to Albany: steep cuts in state spending will weaken the already struggling New York economy, and will hurt poor and middle income New Yorkers. In a letter to the governor, the economists urge him to take a balanced approach to closing the gap in the state budget between revenues and spending – an approach that includes raising taxes on high-income households.

Economists to Governor: Raise High-End Income Taxes To Help Close Budget Gaps

December 13, 2008 |

December 13, 2008. 120 economists from throughout New York State joined together this week to send a message to Albany: steep cuts in state spending will weaken the already struggling New York economy, and will hurt poor and middle income New Yorkers. In a letter to the governor, the economists urge him to take a balanced approach to closing the gap in the state budget between revenues and spending – an approach that includes raising taxes on high-income households.