$4.5 Million for a Unique NYS Program Would Help Refugees and Grow Communities

February 22, 2019 |

February 22, 2019. The New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program began in 2017, as a remarkable response to the federal government’s radical retreat from refugee resettlement. New York took on what no other state did: it helped resettlement agencies to get through a difficult period, and also to rethink their role in their communities. The first two years of funding were $2 million; this year the Fiscal Policy Institute, the resettlement agencies, and the New York Immigration Coalition are requesting $4.5 million.

The program, known as NYSESRP, has been a huge success, and is a beacon for other states around the country. NYSESRP helps refugee resettlement agencies repurpose their staff and facilities to more fully serve refugees already in their communities, and to help attract others to areas that recognize refugees as contributors to population growth and economic revitalization.

To read more, click here.

Published On: February 22nd, 2019Categories: Blog

$4.5 Million for a Unique NYS Program Would Help Refugees and Grow Communities

February 22, 2019 |

February 22, 2019. The New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program began in 2017, as a remarkable response to the federal government’s radical retreat from refugee resettlement. New York took on what no other state did: it helped resettlement agencies to get through a difficult period, and also to rethink their role in their communities. The first two years of funding were $2 million; this year the Fiscal Policy Institute, the resettlement agencies, and the New York Immigration Coalition are requesting $4.5 million.

The program, known as NYSESRP, has been a huge success, and is a beacon for other states around the country. NYSESRP helps refugee resettlement agencies repurpose their staff and facilities to more fully serve refugees already in their communities, and to help attract others to areas that recognize refugees as contributors to population growth and economic revitalization.

To read more, click here.

Published On: February 22nd, 2019Categories: Blog