Proposed New York property tax cap is much more restrictive than the Massachusetts cap after which it is supposedly modeled

June 22, 2011 |

June 22, 2011. No lawmaker or taxpayer should be one bit reassured by the Massachusetts experience with a tax cap. New analysis from FPI’s Frank Mauro shows what a New York-style tax cap would mean if it had been in effect in Massachusetts over the last decades. Property tax revenues would be less than half what they are today, with devastating implications for the entire array of locally-funded public services. Read report >>

Published On: June 22nd, 2011Categories: City Budget, Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget

Proposed New York property tax cap is much more restrictive than the Massachusetts cap after which it is supposedly modeled

June 22, 2011 |

June 22, 2011. No lawmaker or taxpayer should be one bit reassured by the Massachusetts experience with a tax cap. New analysis from FPI’s Frank Mauro shows what a New York-style tax cap would mean if it had been in effect in Massachusetts over the last decades. Property tax revenues would be less than half what they are today, with devastating implications for the entire array of locally-funded public services. Read report >>

Published On: June 22nd, 2011Categories: City Budget, Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget