Record Surge in NYS Unemployment in December: Lagging Benefits Expose Holes in Safety Net for Jobless New Yorkers

January 22, 2009 |

January 22, 2009. Data released today by the New York State Department of Labor reveal that the state’s unemployment rate jumped to 7.0 percent in December (the highest figure recorded in the state since 1994) from November’s revised level of 6.0 percent. Over 671,000 New Yorkers were unemployed in December, an increase of 229,000 (52 percent) from December of 2007. The national recession began in December 2007. Both the one-month unemployment increase of 1.0 percent and the 229,000 12-month increase in the unemployed count are all-time highs in the 32-year official Labor Department series. Press release from FPI and the National Employment Law Project >>

Published On: January 22nd, 2009Categories: Economic Outlook, Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases

Record Surge in NYS Unemployment in December: Lagging Benefits Expose Holes in Safety Net for Jobless New Yorkers

January 22, 2009 |

January 22, 2009. Data released today by the New York State Department of Labor reveal that the state’s unemployment rate jumped to 7.0 percent in December (the highest figure recorded in the state since 1994) from November’s revised level of 6.0 percent. Over 671,000 New Yorkers were unemployed in December, an increase of 229,000 (52 percent) from December of 2007. The national recession began in December 2007. Both the one-month unemployment increase of 1.0 percent and the 229,000 12-month increase in the unemployed count are all-time highs in the 32-year official Labor Department series. Press release from FPI and the National Employment Law Project >>

Published On: January 22nd, 2009Categories: Economic Outlook, Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases