FPI’s 2020 State Budget Presentations

January 23, 2020 |

Our state budget is an opportunity to define our values and choose our future. Will our actions reinforce inequity and inequality or can we pull together to create a more just New York for all? FPI took a look at the proposed executive budget and shared our thoughts in two presentations, one in Albany and one in New York City. If you missed those informative events, you can still take a look at what was presented.
Published On: January 23rd, 2020Categories: Blog, Must Read, State Budget

FPI’s 2020 State Budget Presentations

January 23, 2020 |

Our state budget is an opportunity to define our values and choose our future. Will our actions reinforce inequity and inequality or can we pull together to create a more just New York for all? FPI took a look at the proposed executive budget and shared our thoughts in two presentations, one in Albany and one in New York City. If you missed those informative events, you can still take a look at what was presented.
Published On: January 23rd, 2020Categories: Blog, Must Read, State Budget