Monthly Archives: February 2010

Revenue-raising and cost-saving options

February 22, 2010. The Fiscal Policy Institute worked with the other members of the Better Choice Budget Campaign to develop a menu of revenue-raising and cost-saving options for consideration by the Governor and Legislature as they work to adopt a balanced budget for 2010-2011. The chart of options was distributed at a press conference today at which advocates urged the governor and legislature to make "better choices" to balance the state budget - calling for more federal aid, and for Wall Street to help Main Street. FPI, New Yorkers [...]

Briefing on Mayor Bloomberg’s Preliminary FY 2011 New York City Budget

February 9, 2010. Despite Wall Street's rebound, unemployment and hardship are extremely high for most New Yorkers; at best, recovery will be very gradual. This briefing finds that the Mayor's proposed budget cuts and the state budget-related contingency cuts will worsen unemployment and hardship. To mitigate the harmful impact of the budget, increased federal fiscal aid is the highest priority, followed by progressive income tax increases - less harmful than budget cuts. Briefing >>

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