Revenue-raising and cost-saving options

February 22, 2010 |

February 22, 2010. The Fiscal Policy Institute worked with the other members of the Better Choice Budget Campaign to develop a menu of revenue-raising and cost-saving options for consideration by the Governor and Legislature as they work to adopt a balanced budget for 2010-2011.

The chart of options was distributed at a press conference today at which advocates urged the governor and legislature to make “better choices” to balance the state budget – calling for more federal aid, and for Wall Street to help Main Street. FPI, New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, and a diverse group of statewide organizations joined forces to explore alternatives to state budget cuts that would further erode jobs and desperately needed services. Press release and Groups’ statement of support.

Published On: February 22nd, 2010Categories: Blog, Reports, Briefs and Presentations, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy

Revenue-raising and cost-saving options

February 22, 2010 |

February 22, 2010. The Fiscal Policy Institute worked with the other members of the Better Choice Budget Campaign to develop a menu of revenue-raising and cost-saving options for consideration by the Governor and Legislature as they work to adopt a balanced budget for 2010-2011.

The chart of options was distributed at a press conference today at which advocates urged the governor and legislature to make “better choices” to balance the state budget – calling for more federal aid, and for Wall Street to help Main Street. FPI, New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, and a diverse group of statewide organizations joined forces to explore alternatives to state budget cuts that would further erode jobs and desperately needed services. Press release and Groups’ statement of support.

Published On: February 22nd, 2010Categories: Blog, Reports, Briefs and Presentations, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy