Monthly Archives: October 2014

Immigrants Aren’t Taking Your Jobs, They’re Making Their Own

October 15, 2014. A story in Vox stresses the role of immigrant entrepreneurship, citing FPI's work on the subject. Economic research shows repeatedly that, overall, immigrants don't displace U.S.-born workers. How can this be? One part of the answer is that immigrants are not just workers, they are also entrepreneurs, so they create jobs for themselves and also for others. (Another part of the story, which is not covered in this piece, is that immigrants also expand consumer demand, so at the same time as more [...]

2014-10-15T10:28:51-04:00October 15th, 2014|FPI in the News|

NYC Median Family Income Up for First Time since Great Recession

October 15, 2014. After five years of decline, median family income in New York City rose by 3.5 percent between 2012 and 2013 in inflation-adjusted terms, according to recently-published Census data.[1] This compares with increases of 0.9 percent at the national level and 1.6 percent for all of New York State, including the city. While the city’s increase far surpassed the nation’s and state’s, median family income in the city was still 5.2 percent lower in 2013 than it had been in 2008 at the [...]

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