$20M Enough for NY Count?

April 7, 2019. This article discusses the concerns about a possible failure to properly account for New York’s population in the 2020 Census which could result in the potential loss of 2 seats in the House of Representatives and billions in federal funds. Deepening the worry is Governor Andrew Cuomo’s delay in filling his appointments to the Complete Count Commission which was done after the Commission’s report was sue and the state budget allocation of $20 million – an amount reached without formal input from the Commission and much lower than advised by advocates.

The New York Community Trust urged the state to put $60 million toward outreach while a more conservative estimate of $40 million was called for by the Fiscal Policy Institute. Commission Executive Director Rich Tobe commented on FPI’s request saying “I think it has value, but I don’t think it’s definitive. Activists and FPI responded that the analysis has been accepted nationally by census experts and the estimates are being relied on by other states.

This article available here.

Read FPI’s report here.

Published On: April 8th, 2019Categories: FPI in the News

$20M Enough for NY Count?

April 7, 2019. This article discusses the concerns about a possible failure to properly account for New York’s population in the 2020 Census which could result in the potential loss of 2 seats in the House of Representatives and billions in federal funds. Deepening the worry is Governor Andrew Cuomo’s delay in filling his appointments to the Complete Count Commission which was done after the Commission’s report was sue and the state budget allocation of $20 million – an amount reached without formal input from the Commission and much lower than advised by advocates.

The New York Community Trust urged the state to put $60 million toward outreach while a more conservative estimate of $40 million was called for by the Fiscal Policy Institute. Commission Executive Director Rich Tobe commented on FPI’s request saying “I think it has value, but I don’t think it’s definitive. Activists and FPI responded that the analysis has been accepted nationally by census experts and the estimates are being relied on by other states.

This article available here.

Read FPI’s report here.

Published On: April 8th, 2019Categories: FPI in the News