A Balanced Approach to Closing State Deficits
February 25, 2011 |
February 25, 2011. Most states are heading into their fourth year of fiscal crisis facing severe revenue shortfalls that require closing huge deficits. The choices states make about how to close those deficits have serious implications both in the short and long term. States that rely solely or primarily on widespread budget cuts to close deficits are harming residents and businesses that need immediate assistance; they also are reducing demand in the economy and impeding their state’s economic recovery. This paper by Iris J. Lav and Dylan Grundman of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities discusses the challenges.
A Balanced Approach to Closing State Deficits
February 25, 2011 |
February 25, 2011. Most states are heading into their fourth year of fiscal crisis facing severe revenue shortfalls that require closing huge deficits. The choices states make about how to close those deficits have serious implications both in the short and long term. States that rely solely or primarily on widespread budget cuts to close deficits are harming residents and businesses that need immediate assistance; they also are reducing demand in the economy and impeding their state’s economic recovery. This paper by Iris J. Lav and Dylan Grundman of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities discusses the challenges.