Policy & Research

Fact Sheet: New York State Must Invest in Not‐for‐Profit Service Providers to Protect New Yorkers and Advance Equity

The Social Assistance subsector includes workers who provide direct and vital social assistance services to consumers, including vulnerable and at-risk populations and communities. It consists of the following industry groups: Individual and Family Services; Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services; Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Child Day Care Services.1 In 2019, there were nearly 380,000 people estimated to be employed in New York’s social assistance subsector by not-for-profit, government, and private employers, 133,000 of whom (35 percent) were employed by not-for-profits. In New York State, total not-for-profit employment is largest in the Individual and Family Services and Child and Day [...]

One Year Into Pandemic, Thousands Of Excluded Workers Are Still Begging For Relief

This Gothamist article tells the personal story of an excluded worker and the on-going efforts in New York State to create an excluded worker fund. Excluded workers are those who have lost work due to COVID, but have been excluded from any federal or state relief (federal stimulus or state unemployment due to their immigration status or recent incarceration. “The need is urgent,” said David Dyssegaard Kallick, director of the Fiscal Policy Institute’s Immigration Research Initiative. “Unemployment insurance has been a lifesaver to so many [...]

Report Finds $3.5B Needed for Aiding Excluded Workers During Pandemic

The New York State Senate and Assembly both supported creating a fund to provide unemployment insurance to workers who are excluded from the unemployment insurance system, primarily undocumented immigrants and people leaving incarceration during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both houses included $2.1 billion in their one-house budgets. The report shows that while $2.1 billion is an impressive signal from the legislature, $3.5 billion is the amount that is needed to match the minimum benefits other workers receive and to continue that aid through the end of [...]

Unemployment Compensation for Excluded Workers: $3.5 Billion Needed for 2020 and 2021

The New York State Assembly and Senate both support creating a fund to provide unemployment insurance to workers who are excluded from the unemployment insurance system, primarily undocumented immigrants and people leaving incarceration during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both houses included $2.1 billion in their one-house budgets this week, the starting points for negotiating the final state budget. This is an impressive commitment to a critical priority. However, matching the minimum level of benefits that other unemployed New Yorkers receive and extending the aid through the [...]

“Legislature Supports $2.1 Billion in Aid to Excluded Workers; Report Shows $3.5 is Needed”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 18, 2021 Media Contact: communications@fiscalpolicy.org, 518-786-3156 “Legislature Supports $2.1 Billion in Aid to Excluded Workers; Report Shows $3.5 is Needed” Read FPI’s report: Unemployment Compensation for Excluded Workers: $3.5 Billion Needed for 2020 and 2021 (Albany, NY) – New York State may be on the brink of providing unemployment benefits to workers who are currently excluded from the state’s unemployment insurance fund. The New York State Assembly and Senate both support a fund of $2.1 billion to extend benefits to undocumented [...]

New York lawmakers propose tax increases on the rich. Here’s who would pay up

The New York State Senate passed its one-house budget resolution which includes raising the tax rate on those earning over $1 million a year. The Assembly supports this tax reform as well. "Big challenges require bold action and demand a combination of transformative vision and concrete commonsense response," said Jonas Shaende, chief economist for the Fiscal Policy Institute, a liberal think tank in Albany.  "The Legislature’s proposals show their willingness to consider a broad array of measures to ensure New Yorkers’ health and well-being." Read the Gannett article which appears in lohud and [...]

Tax opponents wonder if they still can count on Gov. Cuomo

As the state budget process progresses, both houses released their one-house budget proposals which include increased taxes for top earners and corporations. Critics contend these tax reforms are not needed due to federal aid. Advocates point out the long-standing need for tax reform to set the state on the right course. "The legislature’s proposals recognize the need for support to ensure all New Yorkers can live, work, access health care, and receive a sound education," the labor-backed Fiscal Policy Institute said. Read the Newsday article [...]

Fiscal Policy Institute on One-House Budgets 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 15, 2021 Media Contact: communications@fiscalpolicy.org, 518-786-3156 Fiscal Policy Institute on One-House Budgets (Albany, NY) Today the New York State Senate and Assembly released their one-house budgets as New York continues grappling with the pandemic. With the annual April 1st deadline fast approaching, today’s action sustains hope for a responsive budget process that can meet all New Yorkers’ needs. The Legislature’s proposals recognize the need for support to ensure all New Yorkers can live, work, access health care, and receive a sound education. With [...]

2023-07-03T14:56:37-04:00March 15th, 2021|Press Releases, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

Denied COVID economic relief, N.Y.-based immigrant and excluded workers plan hunger strike

Advocacy organizations and state lawmakers have been urging the state to create a COVID relief fund for undocumented workers and others excluded from federal aid since the start of the pandemic. The majority, 54%, of New York City residents working in essential jobs during the pandemic are immigrants, according to the Fiscal Policy Institute. Read: "Denied COVID economic relief, N.Y.-based immigrant and excluded workers plan hunger strike" NY Daily News

2021-03-16T15:30:06-04:00March 15th, 2021|FPI in the News, Migration, State Budget, Tax & Budget|

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: New York’s Share of the Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund

Read the full report: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: New York’s Share of the Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes $350 billion in aid for states, territories, and tribal governments for the purpose of alleviating the fiscal stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the $350 billion, $195.3 billion is allocated for payments to states, $130.2 billion for city and county governments, $20 billion for tribal governments, and $4.5 billion for territories. These coronavirus fiscal recovery funds [...]

Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds: New York State Allocation by County, 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes $350 billion in aid for the purpose of alleviating the fiscal stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. New York is estimated to receive a total of $24 billion, or seven percent of these coronavirus relief funds. Specifically, $13 billion has been allocated for the New York State government, $6 billion for metropolitan cities, $4 billion for counties, $825 million for local governments, and $350 million for state capital projects. These Coronavirus recovery funds can be used to [...]

2021-03-12T21:30:50-05:00March 12th, 2021|Blog, Tax & Budget|

The American Rescue Plan and the New York State Budget

The year 2021 began under the threat of a historic state budget shortfall of $15 billion. Compounded by municipal and county-level fiscal stress, it imperiled funding for public services and employees – a terrible risk as New York continued to experience the social, emotional, and fiscal impacts from the pandemic. The governor’s proposed Executive Budget featured an “if-then” scenario that reflected a minimum level of $6 billion in federal aid and assumed a remaining $9 billion difference. At the same time, the governor requested $15 [...]

Legal Status for Undocumented Essential Workers: New York Gains

The Biden-Harris administration is being urged to grant legal status to the roughly 5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States who served as essential workers during the Covid pandemic. This is simply the right thing to do for people who have lived in this country for years and served heroically during a time of need. In this case, doing the right thing would also have economic benefits for immigrants who would newly have work authorization and for government revenues that would increase as well. [...]

2021-03-09T10:03:30-05:00March 9th, 2021|Blog, Migration|

EITC Helps Workers, Their Families, Communities and the State

Our state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a proven program that working New Yorkers rely on. The EITC keeps more money in workers’ pockets, providing more money to spend on essentials like food, transportation, housing, education, and child care. The EITC provides critical support for workers, their families, local economies, and the state! Before the pandemic, far too many New Yorkers were unable to earn a stable and sufficient income through work. This problem persisted despite the recent increases to our state’s minimum wage. [...]

2021-03-04T16:51:38-05:00March 4th, 2021|Blog, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

FPI Testifies Before Join Legislative Budget Hearing on Taxes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 23, 2020 Media Contact: communications@fiscalpolicy.org, 518-786-3156 Fiscal Policy Institute's Recommendations for the FY 2022 State Budget (Albany, NY) Today the Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI) testified before the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on taxes. FPI urges a bold vision in crafting the FY 2022 state budget, recommending progressive tax policies so that all New Yorkers can grow, prosper, and build a foundation for the future. The video replaces FPI's annual in-person budget presentation. Statement from Dr. Jonas Shaende, Chief Economist: “This year’s [...]

2021-03-31T14:52:59-04:00February 24th, 2021|Press Releases, State Budget, Tax & Budget|
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