Tax & Budget

Fed Directive Threatens to Cut Funds for New York Children’s Health Coverag

May 6, 2008. A report from the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University shows that the Bush administration bypassed Congress to issue a directive that will cut children's health insurance funding in New York - at a time when residents and taxpayers can ill afford it. Report co-released by FPI, New York Children's Action Network and Medicaid Matters New York. Press release >>

The economics of tax reform

May 1, 2008. Executive director Frank Mauro spoke at a meeting of the Ulster County Legislature's Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding and Tax Reform in New Paltz. News articles: Property tax burden takes center stage in speech by fiscal expert (May 3, Kingston Daily Freeman); The problem with property taxes discussed (May 2, Mid-Hudson News). Radio: Listen to MP3 (May 1, WAMC).

2012-03-15T06:59:38-04:00May 1st, 2008|Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget|

City Could Raise Revenues and Level Playing Field for Business

April 15, 2008. FPI examines the business tax treatment of "carried interest" earned by private equity fund and hedge fund managers, and finds that closing the carried interest loophole could raise $160-$225 million in new revenue for New York City - while leveling the playing field for New York businesses. Press release, full report.

State Budget Experts Present Ideas on the State Budget

March 27, 2008. What does the millionaires' tax have to do with the Syracuse economy? That was just one topic of discussion at the Southeast Community Center on Thursday evening when advocates from local nonprofit organizations, labor leaders and community members gathered to study the state budget. Press release >>

Over 100 Organizations Call for the Millionaires’ Tax

March 26, 2008. More than 100 organizations came together as the Better Choice Budget Campaign (of which FPI is a member) to urge leaders to listen to the public and support the millionaires' tax. Additional materials from the press conference: op ed on better choices by Ron Deutsch; Siena poll showing overwhelming public support for millionaires' tax (question 23); and fact sheet from New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness laying out short and long term solutions to burgeoning property taxes. Also, the new Tough Times radio [...]

2012-03-17T11:30:59-04:00March 26th, 2008|Blog, City Budget, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

The Role of Property Taxes in New York’s State-Local Tax System

March 6, 2008. This presentation was given by Frank Mauro, executive director of FPI, at Changing the Property Tax System in New York, a conference sponsored by TREND, the Tax Reform Effort of Northern Dutchess.  Other speakers included Robert McKeon of TREND and John Whiteley, Tri-County Committee for Property Tax Relief. Presentations: Mauro, McKeon, Whiteley.

Presentation by James Parrott before the New York State Economic and Revenue Consensus Forecasting Conference

February 27, 2008. Presentation by FPI Deputy Director and Chief Economist James Parrott.  Parrott was one of five economists invited to speak at the conference, which gave Budget Director Laura Anglin and leaders of the Senate and Assembly fiscal committees the opportunity to hear testimony from leading state and national economic experts. By March 1, the legislature and governor must issue a joint report containing the consensus economic forecast and estimates of receipts for the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

Will Education Funding Promises be Broken?

February 14, 2008. FPI prepared the data for this report this report from the Alliance for Quality Education - showing that the proposed cuts in foundation aid in the executive budget disproportionately hurt students from poor households. The districts outside of New York City with the highest proportion of poverty (districts in which, on average, 60 percent of students live in poverty) face 20 percent of the proposed cuts despite having only 15 percent of all students in the state. New York City students (of [...]

Setting the Context for Commission Deliberations

February 12, 2008. This presentation was prepared by Frank Mauro, executive director of FPI, for the February 12, 2008, meeting of the New York State Commission on Property Tax Relief. Presentation: Setting the Context for Commission Deliberations Expanded version of the presentation Excerpt from the meeting transcript (Mauro testimony)

Property Taxes in New York: A State Problem Calling for a State Solution

February 11, 2008. Why are property taxes so high in New York? State fiscal policies have created the bind. This brief looks at four reforms that would help - and could be funded in a way that makes the overall tax system fairer. In the meantime, a middle class circuit breaker would ease the pressure on the property tax much more effectively that the Middle Class STAR program. On May 22, 2008, the brief was handed out at a public meeting in New City hosted [...]

Getting bang for our buck: Economic development in New York State

February 11, 2008. Despite the billions currently spent on economic development, we have relatively little to show for it. The appropriate guiding principle is building the middle class - thus increasing the already impressive productivity of New York workers. Logical next steps include scrapping Empire Zones, reforming IDAs and more. Brief >>

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