Fed Directive Threatens to Cut Funds for New York Children’s Health Coverag

May 6, 2008. A report from the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University shows that the Bush administration bypassed Congress to issue a directive that will cut children’s health insurance funding in New York – at a time when residents and taxpayers can ill afford it. Report co-released by FPI, New York Children’s Action Network and Medicaid Matters New York. Press release >>

Published On: May 6th, 2008Categories: Healthcare, Press Releases, Social Policy, Tax & Budget

Fed Directive Threatens to Cut Funds for New York Children’s Health Coverag

May 6, 2008. A report from the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University shows that the Bush administration bypassed Congress to issue a directive that will cut children’s health insurance funding in New York – at a time when residents and taxpayers can ill afford it. Report co-released by FPI, New York Children’s Action Network and Medicaid Matters New York. Press release >>

Published On: May 6th, 2008Categories: Healthcare, Press Releases, Social Policy, Tax & Budget