Press Releases

Taking Away the Ladder of Opportunity: Hotel Conversions and the Threat Posed to New York City’s Tourism Jobs and Economic Diversity

May 17, 2005. Despite record tourism and business travel levels, the wave of conversions of high-end hotel rooms to luxury condominiums is costing the city dearly in terms of hotel jobs.  Over 3,200 Manhattan hotel rooms will be lost in 2004 and 2005 and another 3,000 hotel rooms are in jeopardy of conversion.  As a result of conversions, hotel employment in New York City has fallen by 2,200 or five percent since September 2004. Considering the importance of a prosperous tourism sector to the city's [...]

Companies Certified Prior to the June 2004 Sunset of a Little Known and Badly Misused Tax Break Are Back in the Money

April 1, 2005. Good Jobs New York has uncovered an unpublicized rider to Empire Zones "reform" legislation that allows firms certified for Zone Equivalent Area (ZEA) Wage Tax Credits prior to June 2004 to receive up to five years of benefits - despite the program's expiration. GJNY released a list of benefit recipients that include Giuliani Partners, Ernst & Young, Fox News and News America. The press release: Contact: Stephanie Greenwood, Good Jobs New York, 212-414-9394 Bettina Damiani, Good Jobs New York, 212-414-9394 A little-known [...]

2020-11-13T14:56:19-05:00April 1st, 2005|Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases|

Vulnerable New Yorkers Would Lose up to $4.4 Billion in Federal Funding under House Budget Plan

March 30, 2005. The Senate's plan has considerably smaller cuts in basic low-income programs. Will the Senate accede to the harsher House budget? A press release from the Fiscal Policy Institute. Contact:  Trudi Renwick, 518-786-3156 New York's share of federal funding cuts in key programs that assist our state's low-income elderly residents, families with children, and people with disabilities could be as much as $4.4 billion over the next five years under the budget plan the House passed earlier this month, a new report from [...]

2020-11-13T15:12:44-05:00March 30th, 2005|Press Releases, Social Policy, Tax & Budget|

One Million Elderly New Yorkers Rely on Social Security for At Least Half Their Income

March 23, 2005. News from the Fiscal Policy Institute: More than one million elderly New Yorkers depend on Social Security for at least half their income and 571,000 depend on Social Security for more than 90% of their income, according to a new study released today by the Fiscal Policy Institute and the Economic Policy Institute.  The study, Social Security and the Income of the Elderly, co-authored by Michael Ettlinger, director of the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) and EPI economist Jeff Chapman, shows a high reliance on Social [...]

2020-11-13T15:14:18-05:00March 23rd, 2005|Press Releases, Social Policy|

Joint Statement in support of a Better Choice approach to balancing New York State’s 2005-2006 Budget

February 17, 2005. This joint statement was released at a press conference today at the Legislative Office Building in Albany.  The organizations from throughout New York State that have endorsed the statement are listed below following the statement. Also below, a back-up document that provides additional information on the budget balancing options set forth in the statement. There's still a Better Choice! We urge the Governor and the Legislature to work together to ensure that the 2005-2006 state budget meets New Yorkers' needs.  The revenues [...]

2012-03-22T23:01:43-04:00February 17th, 2005|Press Releases, State Budget, Tax & Budget|

Early Investment in Kids = Huge Payoff to Taxpayers

October 19, 2004. New York press release: A new study being released today by the Economic Policy Institute finds that increased federal and state investments in comprehensive high quality early childhood development programs would more than pay for themselves – generating more than $2 in returns to taxpayers for every $1 invested. The overall economic benefits would be even greater – more than $8 in benefits to society for each $1 invested. The report, Exceptional Returns: Economic, Fiscal, and Social Benefits of Investment in Early [...]

2020-11-13T15:04:36-05:00October 19th, 2004|Education, Press Releases, Social Policy|

Large, Profitable Corporations Not Paying Their Fair Share

September 22, 2004. Eighty-two of America's largest and most profitable corporations, including twelve New York-based corporations and many other corporations that generate a substantial portion of their profits in New York state, paid no federal income tax at all in at least one year during the first three years of the George W. Bush administration, a period when federal corporate tax collections feel to their lowest sustained level in six decades. This is one of many startling findings of a new report on corporate tax [...]

2020-10-27T13:07:10-04:00September 22nd, 2004|Press Releases, Tax & Budget|

State of Working New York 2004: Recovery Yet to Arrive for Many New York Workers and Their Families

September 6, 2004. The U.S. job market overall is still too weak to broadly distribute the benefits of the growing economy. The slack labor market has led to a situation in which wages have started to fall behind inflation. Press release with New York figures below or link to press release with tables and graphs. FPI's State of Working New York series, published biennially since 1999, provides comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the data available on the conditions facing workers and working families in New [...]

New York Impact Analysis: Effects of 2004 Congressional Budget Resolution

April 23, 2003. Due to the federal tax and budget agreement, New York will suffer $1.56 billion in cuts to key programs over ten years to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy, according to this report from the Economic Policy Institute and the Institute for America's Future. Groups call on House to join Senate in passing fiscal relief for the states; joint statement from FPI and New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness releasing new EPI/Institute for America's Future report

2020-10-27T13:07:10-04:00April 23rd, 2003|Blog, Press Releases, Tax & Budget|

Revitalize New York by Putting People to Work: A Jobs-Based Strategy for Economic Diversification and High-Road Growth

March 13, 2003.  This new 30-page report prepared by FPI for the Labor Community Advocacy Network to Revitalize New York (LCAN) makes the case for a $1 billion Liberty Jobs Program to counteract the massive job losses that New York City has experienced as a result of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Press release, report.

Learning from the ’90s: How Poor Public Choices Contributed to Income Erosion in New York City

September 1, 2002. This report uses the latest economic and census data to examine the role of immigration, government policies and other factors in explaining why the economic expansion of the 1990s did not raise the income of average workers in New York City. Full report, executive summary, press release.

Scorecard: Community Concerns vs. Public Authorities’ Actions

July 20, 2002. Prior to opening of Listening to the City II, the Labor Community Advocacy Network (LCAN) to Rebuild New York, together with New York Jobs with Justice, released a released a scorecard comparing the concerns expressed at February's Listening to the City I with the actions that have been taken by the relevant public authorities since that event.  LCAN was convened by the the Fiscal Policy Institute and the New York City Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO in response to the September [...]

2020-11-13T14:56:21-05:00July 20th, 2002|Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases|
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