Scorecard: Community Concerns vs. Public Authorities’ Actions
July 20, 2002 |
July 20, 2002. Prior to opening of Listening to the City II, the Labor Community Advocacy Network (LCAN) to Rebuild New York, together with New York Jobs with Justice, released a released a scorecard comparing the concerns expressed at February’s Listening to the City I with the actions that have been taken by the relevant public authorities since that event. LCAN was convened by the the Fiscal Policy Institute and the New York City Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. To learn more about LCAN, contact David Dyssegaard Kallick.
Scorecard: Community Concerns vs. Public Authorities’ Actions
July 20, 2002 |
July 20, 2002. Prior to opening of Listening to the City II, the Labor Community Advocacy Network (LCAN) to Rebuild New York, together with New York Jobs with Justice, released a released a scorecard comparing the concerns expressed at February’s Listening to the City I with the actions that have been taken by the relevant public authorities since that event. LCAN was convened by the the Fiscal Policy Institute and the New York City Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. To learn more about LCAN, contact David Dyssegaard Kallick.