Cuomo Scores Big Pay Hike in State Budget Package
April 2, 2019 |
April 2, 2019. This article discusses the controversy surrounding Governor Cuomo’s pay increase to $250,000 compared to the average salary of all governor’s at $179,000. The author goes on to highlight that even though the governor got a pay increase, funding was cut for library construction and the Special Olympics in New York State. The article quotes FPI’s executive director, Ron Deutsch, who points out that human service workers are severely underpaid. The author goes on to quote many advocates who are opposed to the governor’s pay raise.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on his way to becoming the nation’s highest paid state chief executive after lawmakers — in the final act of approving a $175.5 billion spending plan — agreed to give him a pay raise of nearly 39 percent, bringing his government pay to $250,000 in 2021.
The current annual salary for governor is $179,000, a sum that has been constant since 1999.
Ron Deutsch, director of the labor-backed Fiscal Policy Institute, said the human services workers have gone without cost of living adjustments for more than a decade. “The governor gives himself a raise and pays lip service to gender pay equity while leaving a predominantly female workforce out in the cold once again,” Deutsch said. He noted that 60 percent of the workers in question could qualify for public assistance benefits.
Click here for the full article.
Cuomo Scores Big Pay Hike in State Budget Package
April 2, 2019 |
April 2, 2019. This article discusses the controversy surrounding Governor Cuomo’s pay increase to $250,000 compared to the average salary of all governor’s at $179,000. The author goes on to highlight that even though the governor got a pay increase, funding was cut for library construction and the Special Olympics in New York State. The article quotes FPI’s executive director, Ron Deutsch, who points out that human service workers are severely underpaid. The author goes on to quote many advocates who are opposed to the governor’s pay raise.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on his way to becoming the nation’s highest paid state chief executive after lawmakers — in the final act of approving a $175.5 billion spending plan — agreed to give him a pay raise of nearly 39 percent, bringing his government pay to $250,000 in 2021.
The current annual salary for governor is $179,000, a sum that has been constant since 1999.
Ron Deutsch, director of the labor-backed Fiscal Policy Institute, said the human services workers have gone without cost of living adjustments for more than a decade. “The governor gives himself a raise and pays lip service to gender pay equity while leaving a predominantly female workforce out in the cold once again,” Deutsch said. He noted that 60 percent of the workers in question could qualify for public assistance benefits.
Click here for the full article.