New group calls for boosting New York mass transit manufacturing

October 11, 2011. Enhanced MTA investments could create good jobs and bolster New York’s recovery. While unemployment news remains bleak across the state and country, a recently released white paper, Building New York’s Future: Creating Jobs and Business Opportunities Through Mass Transit Investments, points to the benefits of a broad transit manufacturing strategy. A new group – Building New York’s Future – has formed with the mission of developing and implementing a mass-transit related economic development strategy, building political commitment to the strategy across the state, and promoting adequate funding for the MTA and all of New York State’s transit authorities. Press release >>

Published On: October 11th, 2011Categories: Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases, State Budget, Tax & Budget

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New group calls for boosting New York mass transit manufacturing

October 11, 2011. Enhanced MTA investments could create good jobs and bolster New York’s recovery. While unemployment news remains bleak across the state and country, a recently released white paper, Building New York’s Future: Creating Jobs and Business Opportunities Through Mass Transit Investments, points to the benefits of a broad transit manufacturing strategy. A new group – Building New York’s Future – has formed with the mission of developing and implementing a mass-transit related economic development strategy, building political commitment to the strategy across the state, and promoting adequate funding for the MTA and all of New York State’s transit authorities. Press release >>

Published On: October 11th, 2011Categories: Economic Trends & Policy, Press Releases, State Budget, Tax & Budget