New York’s Leaders Join the Quest for Tax Fairness
January 12, 2012 |
January 12, 2012. Governor Cuomo emphasizes the need to close loopholes. This column by Frank Mauro – excerpt below – was published by 99% New York.
Delivering on this objective will require an unbiased review of the litany of tax breaks that have enacted over the years in the name of economic development. Which ones actually create jobs and which ones do not? Which ones should be retained intact, which ones should be repealed, and which ones should be reformed? A year of careful study makes sense for a fundamental restructuring of the tax code but the most egregious loopholes, that stick out like sore thumbs, should be closed now and not a year from now.
New York’s Leaders Join the Quest for Tax Fairness
January 12, 2012 |
January 12, 2012. Governor Cuomo emphasizes the need to close loopholes. This column by Frank Mauro – excerpt below – was published by 99% New York.
Delivering on this objective will require an unbiased review of the litany of tax breaks that have enacted over the years in the name of economic development. Which ones actually create jobs and which ones do not? Which ones should be retained intact, which ones should be repealed, and which ones should be reformed? A year of careful study makes sense for a fundamental restructuring of the tax code but the most egregious loopholes, that stick out like sore thumbs, should be closed now and not a year from now.