Round-up of November media.

State of Politics 11/25: FPI report quoted and a link provided to the FPI’s new brief “The Pandemic Recession: Hitting Immigrants and People of Color Hardest.” in  the article “Pandemic Has Hit Immigrants, People of Color Hardest, Report Finds” 

Capital Tonight 11/25: Interview with David Dyssegaard Kallick, FPI’s Deputy Director and Director of Immigration Research on the new brief “The Pandemic Recession: Hitting Immigrants and People of Color Hardest.” Watch the interview. 

Explica 11/24: FPI quoted and data from “The Pandemic Recession: Hitting Immigrants and People of Color Hardest” featured in “Latinos continue to be the minority hit worst by the crisis in New York”

Documented 11/20: Link to FPI study included in “Labor Department to Consider Lowering Farmworker Overtime Threshold”

City & State 11/5: FPI’s chief economist Jonas Shaende quoted in “With federal elections undecided, state aid hangs in balance”