FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2023
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October Cash Receipts Remain Stable More Than Halfway Through Fiscal Year

October receipts 5.6% above latest projections and 7.5% above October 2022 receipts
    ALBANY, NY | November 16, 2023 — The State Comptroller released its October Cash Report today, showing that October receipts came in over projections and over October 2022 receipts.
  • October 2023 receipts: $5.85 billion
  • October 2023 projections:
    • Enacted: $5.43 billion
    • Mid-year: $5.54 billion
  • October 2022 receipts: $5.44 billion

Following the cash report release, Fiscal Policy Institute Executive Director Nathan Gusdorf released the following statements:

What the cash report says:

“The New York State Comptroller’s October cash basis report shows that tax receipts remain stable more than halfway through the fiscal year. The October receipts confirm that New York’s tax base and economy remain strong.

“Total state funds receipts for the month of October were $418 million (7.7%) above Enacted Financial Plan projections, $310 million (5.6%) above last month’s Mid-year Updated Financial Plan, and $407 million (7.5%) above October 2022 levels. Personal income tax receipts were $111 million (5.1%) above Enacted Financial Plan projections.”

What the data indicate:

“Consistent strong tax receipts more than halfway through the fiscal year confirm that the state economy remains robust, and align with improving economic forecasts and the State’s recent downward revision to the projected budget gap for the next fiscal year. While predictions of a recession have been revised to show less risk on the horizon, there is always the possibility of unforeseen events that change the forecasted path of the economy. However, with cash reserves of $19.5 billion, the State is in a strong position to manage any future revenue shortfalls through a combination of drawing on reserves and revenue increases. Conversely, reducing or freezing State spending would undermine the State’s ongoing economic recovery.”

Personal income tax receipts by month and fiscal year (billions $).
Personal income tax receipts broken down by type.

The Fiscal Policy Institute is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and education organization committed to improving public policies and private practices to better the economic and social conditions of all.


Published On: November 16th, 2023|Categories: Financial Plans & Cash Reports, Press Releases, State Budget|

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2023
Media Contact:

October Cash Receipts Remain Stable More Than Halfway Through Fiscal Year

October receipts 5.6% above latest projections and 7.5% above October 2022 receipts
    ALBANY, NY | November 16, 2023 — The State Comptroller released its October Cash Report today, showing that October receipts came in over projections and over October 2022 receipts.
  • October 2023 receipts: $5.85 billion
  • October 2023 projections:
    • Enacted: $5.43 billion
    • Mid-year: $5.54 billion
  • October 2022 receipts: $5.44 billion

Following the cash report release, Fiscal Policy Institute Executive Director Nathan Gusdorf released the following statements:

What the cash report says:

“The New York State Comptroller’s October cash basis report shows that tax receipts remain stable more than halfway through the fiscal year. The October receipts confirm that New York’s tax base and economy remain strong.

“Total state funds receipts for the month of October were $418 million (7.7%) above Enacted Financial Plan projections, $310 million (5.6%) above last month’s Mid-year Updated Financial Plan, and $407 million (7.5%) above October 2022 levels. Personal income tax receipts were $111 million (5.1%) above Enacted Financial Plan projections.”

What the data indicate:

“Consistent strong tax receipts more than halfway through the fiscal year confirm that the state economy remains robust, and align with improving economic forecasts and the State’s recent downward revision to the projected budget gap for the next fiscal year. While predictions of a recession have been revised to show less risk on the horizon, there is always the possibility of unforeseen events that change the forecasted path of the economy. However, with cash reserves of $19.5 billion, the State is in a strong position to manage any future revenue shortfalls through a combination of drawing on reserves and revenue increases. Conversely, reducing or freezing State spending would undermine the State’s ongoing economic recovery.”

Personal income tax receipts by month and fiscal year (billions $).
Personal income tax receipts broken down by type.

The Fiscal Policy Institute is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and education organization committed to improving public policies and private practices to better the economic and social conditions of all.


Published On: November 16th, 2023|Categories: Financial Plans & Cash Reports, Press Releases, State Budget|

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