Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget

March 12, 2010 |

March 12, 2010. FPI Executive Director Frank Mauro discusses Lieutenant Governor Richard  Ravitch’s fiscal reform plan on Capitol Tonight, explaining why tax increases should be part of a balanced approach to closing New York State’s projected budget gap. Video >>

Published On: March 12th, 2010Categories: Blog, FPI in the News, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy

Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget

March 12, 2010 |

March 12, 2010. FPI Executive Director Frank Mauro discusses Lieutenant Governor Richard  Ravitch’s fiscal reform plan on Capitol Tonight, explaining why tax increases should be part of a balanced approach to closing New York State’s projected budget gap. Video >>

Published On: March 12th, 2010Categories: Blog, FPI in the News, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy