Siena New York Poll: Circuit Breaker & Gas Tax Cut Top Property Tax Cap

July 16, 2008 |

July 14, 2008. While New York voters strongly support both a property tax cap and a property tax “circuit breaker,” which ensures that property taxes do not exceed a certain percentage of a homeowner’s income, when forced to choose between the two, a majority prefer the circuit breaker, according to a new Siena (College) Research Institute poll a new Siena Research Institute poll released today. More voters would rather see New York eliminate 32 cents of state gas taxes than cap property tax increases.

“New Yorkers overwhelmingly want tax relief. Property tax cap to limit increases? Yes, 69 percent. Circuit breaker to limit what they pay in property taxes? Yes, 75 percent,” said Steven Greenberg, spokesman for the Siena New York Poll. “But if they can only have one form of property tax relief, 52 percent – including a majority of Democrats, Republicans, upstaters and downstaters – say they want the circuit breaker.”

Read the Siena poll >>

July 16, 2008.  An editorial on the poll from the Albany Times Union.

Published On: July 16th, 2008Categories: Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget

Siena New York Poll: Circuit Breaker & Gas Tax Cut Top Property Tax Cap

July 16, 2008 |

July 14, 2008. While New York voters strongly support both a property tax cap and a property tax “circuit breaker,” which ensures that property taxes do not exceed a certain percentage of a homeowner’s income, when forced to choose between the two, a majority prefer the circuit breaker, according to a new Siena (College) Research Institute poll a new Siena Research Institute poll released today. More voters would rather see New York eliminate 32 cents of state gas taxes than cap property tax increases.

“New Yorkers overwhelmingly want tax relief. Property tax cap to limit increases? Yes, 69 percent. Circuit breaker to limit what they pay in property taxes? Yes, 75 percent,” said Steven Greenberg, spokesman for the Siena New York Poll. “But if they can only have one form of property tax relief, 52 percent – including a majority of Democrats, Republicans, upstaters and downstaters – say they want the circuit breaker.”

Read the Siena poll >>

July 16, 2008.  An editorial on the poll from the Albany Times Union.

Published On: July 16th, 2008Categories: Blog, City Budget, Tax & Budget