Statement on Mayor’s Budget Commitment to Increase Wages for Low-wage Nonprofit Social Sector Workers

May 8, 2015.

Contact: James Parrott, Deputy Director, Fiscal Policy Institute, 212-721-5624

“The Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) and the Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI) applaud the Mayor for including in his Executive Budget a first-ever $11.50 per hour wage floor for the City’s contracted social service workforce. FPWA and FPI have been advocating for this important commitment over the past year. This will mean a big earnings boost for 10,000 workers whose wages currently average less than $10.00 per hour. These front-line workers, many of whom live in poverty or near-poverty conditions, provide early childhood education, foster care, afterschool programs, senior case management, housing services, and other vital programs for vulnerable populations. This wage increase is an important first step in ensuring a living wage for this essential workforce. In addition, we are encouraged by the inclusion of a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for social service workers, and commend the Human Services Council (HSC) for leading the advocacy community in this effort. We are also heartened to see the inclusion of $5 million to develop a Career Pathways System for the social services sector that will at long-last provide real opportunities for these dedicated workers to advance up a career ladder.

These essential investments reflect Mayor de Blasio’s profound commitment to further improve the quality of social services and make progress toward reducing poverty and income inequality.”

FPI’s work on this campaign has been supported by the New York Community Trust.

PDF of Statement

Statement on Mayor’s Budget Commitment to Increase Wages for Low-wage Nonprofit Social Sector Workers

May 8, 2015.

Contact: James Parrott, Deputy Director, Fiscal Policy Institute, 212-721-5624

“The Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) and the Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI) applaud the Mayor for including in his Executive Budget a first-ever $11.50 per hour wage floor for the City’s contracted social service workforce. FPWA and FPI have been advocating for this important commitment over the past year. This will mean a big earnings boost for 10,000 workers whose wages currently average less than $10.00 per hour. These front-line workers, many of whom live in poverty or near-poverty conditions, provide early childhood education, foster care, afterschool programs, senior case management, housing services, and other vital programs for vulnerable populations. This wage increase is an important first step in ensuring a living wage for this essential workforce. In addition, we are encouraged by the inclusion of a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for social service workers, and commend the Human Services Council (HSC) for leading the advocacy community in this effort. We are also heartened to see the inclusion of $5 million to develop a Career Pathways System for the social services sector that will at long-last provide real opportunities for these dedicated workers to advance up a career ladder.

These essential investments reflect Mayor de Blasio’s profound commitment to further improve the quality of social services and make progress toward reducing poverty and income inequality.”

FPI’s work on this campaign has been supported by the New York Community Trust.

PDF of Statement