Study points to continued income polarization in New York
November 15, 2012 |
November 15, 2012. A report by WNET (Channel Thirteen) focused on FPI’s Pulling Apart report, featuring a chart and write-up of the report.
James Parrott, the principal author of the report, said the gap between high and low-income earners also strains the middle class.
“Polarization is a major factor behind the erosion in living standards for the middle class–economic growth is no longer as broadly shared as it used to be,” he said. “This result is not inevitable and can and should be addressed.”
Study points to continued income polarization in New York
November 15, 2012 |
November 15, 2012. A report by WNET (Channel Thirteen) focused on FPI’s Pulling Apart report, featuring a chart and write-up of the report.
James Parrott, the principal author of the report, said the gap between high and low-income earners also strains the middle class.
“Polarization is a major factor behind the erosion in living standards for the middle class–economic growth is no longer as broadly shared as it used to be,” he said. “This result is not inevitable and can and should be addressed.”