Our Federal Tax Policy Can Strengthen NYS Communities
August 31, 2019 |
We can use federal tax policy to help struggling New Yorkers and support local communities with the Working Families Tax Relief Act (WFTRA). More than 6.5 million New York State residents would directly benefit from WFTRA’s tax credits and tax reductions to boost incomes – especially helpful as most workers have seen their wages stagnate. WFTRA would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for families with children and strengthen it for workers not raising children. The legislation would also make the Child Tax Credit (CTC) refundable, allowing children in families with lower incomes to fully benefit from the program.
- Meeting with New York City Congressional members with our partner organizations the FPWA, their member organizations the Chinese-American Planning Council and East Side House, and the NY Housing Conference. Following our visit, Congressmember Grace Meng signed on as a co-sponsor!
- Publishing two op-eds in the 22nd Congressional District to garner local support
- Organizing a sign-on letter so state organizations could show statewide support for WFTRA and request Congressional support WFTRA H.R. 3157 Letter Suozzi
Stay tuned as FPI continues to work for common-sense tax reform on the federal and state level.
Our Federal Tax Policy Can Strengthen NYS Communities
August 31, 2019 |
We can use federal tax policy to help struggling New Yorkers and support local communities with the Working Families Tax Relief Act (WFTRA). More than 6.5 million New York State residents would directly benefit from WFTRA’s tax credits and tax reductions to boost incomes – especially helpful as most workers have seen their wages stagnate. WFTRA would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for families with children and strengthen it for workers not raising children. The legislation would also make the Child Tax Credit (CTC) refundable, allowing children in families with lower incomes to fully benefit from the program.
- Meeting with New York City Congressional members with our partner organizations the FPWA, their member organizations the Chinese-American Planning Council and East Side House, and the NY Housing Conference. Following our visit, Congressmember Grace Meng signed on as a co-sponsor!
- Publishing two op-eds in the 22nd Congressional District to garner local support
- Organizing a sign-on letter so state organizations could show statewide support for WFTRA and request Congressional support WFTRA H.R. 3157 Letter Suozzi
Stay tuned as FPI continues to work for common-sense tax reform on the federal and state level.