The Fiscal Impact of House 100 Hours Agenda
January 23, 2007 |
January 23, 2007. The combined fiscal impact of the six “100 hours” bills (which implement 9/11 Commission recommendations, close energy tax loopholes and more) is significant: the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated $21.1 billion in savings and revenue over the next ten years if the bills are signed into law. OMB Watch breaks it down by bill.
The Fiscal Impact of House 100 Hours Agenda
January 23, 2007 |
January 23, 2007. The combined fiscal impact of the six “100 hours” bills (which implement 9/11 Commission recommendations, close energy tax loopholes and more) is significant: the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated $21.1 billion in savings and revenue over the next ten years if the bills are signed into law. OMB Watch breaks it down by bill.