The President’s 2007-2008 Budget: What It Means to New Yorkers

February 7, 2007 |

February 7, 2007. The budget released on February 5 by President Bush pays for massive tax cuts for the rich by cutting services and programs for the poor. The President’s proposals balance the federal budget only on paper, and make it harder for New York to balance its budget. Report >>.

Published On: February 7th, 2007Categories: Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget

The President’s 2007-2008 Budget: What It Means to New Yorkers

February 7, 2007 |

February 7, 2007. The budget released on February 5 by President Bush pays for massive tax cuts for the rich by cutting services and programs for the poor. The President’s proposals balance the federal budget only on paper, and make it harder for New York to balance its budget. Report >>.

Published On: February 7th, 2007Categories: Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget