Training on Immigration and the Economy

February 15, 2012 |

February 15, 2012, Old Westbury. This training with David Dyssegaard Kallick prepared advocates to host their own presentations related to the economic research in the report New Americans on Long Island: A Vital Sixth of the Economy. Topics included how to construct a presentation, how to effectively address an audience, and how to become comfortable talking about economics, with or without previous experience with the subject.

Published On: February 15th, 2012Categories: Fact Sheets

Training on Immigration and the Economy

February 15, 2012 |

February 15, 2012, Old Westbury. This training with David Dyssegaard Kallick prepared advocates to host their own presentations related to the economic research in the report New Americans on Long Island: A Vital Sixth of the Economy. Topics included how to construct a presentation, how to effectively address an audience, and how to become comfortable talking about economics, with or without previous experience with the subject.

Published On: February 15th, 2012Categories: Fact Sheets