Two Tax Code Changes That Could Greatly Benefit Working New Yorkers

Editorial By Ron Deutsch and Reg Foster for New York Nonprofit Media

April 14, 2017

We may see this year, among other surprises from Washington, the first effort in many years to make significant revisions to the tax code. In the last presidential election, all sides expressed concern for the conditions of working Americans who are facing retreating opportunities and wages. We hope for a resurgent economy, but for now, revamping the tax code offers an opportunity to actually help New Yorkers in a way that may attract bipartisan support: tax credits. (read more)

Published On: April 21st, 2017Categories: FPI in the News, Tax Policy

Two Tax Code Changes That Could Greatly Benefit Working New Yorkers

Editorial By Ron Deutsch and Reg Foster for New York Nonprofit Media

April 14, 2017

We may see this year, among other surprises from Washington, the first effort in many years to make significant revisions to the tax code. In the last presidential election, all sides expressed concern for the conditions of working Americans who are facing retreating opportunities and wages. We hope for a resurgent economy, but for now, revamping the tax code offers an opportunity to actually help New Yorkers in a way that may attract bipartisan support: tax credits. (read more)

Published On: April 21st, 2017Categories: FPI in the News, Tax Policy