Union Jobs Plummet in the Private Sector
September 4, 2012 |
September 4, 2012. Patrick McGeehan mentioned this year’s edition of The State of Working New York in a New York Times story.
The study coincided with a report from the Fiscal Policy Institute that found that most of the jobs that have been created in the city during the economic recovery have been in industries that tend to pay low wages, including restaurants, retail and home health care.
James Parrott, chief economist for the institute, which is supported by labor unions, noted that the deep slump in construction in the city has taken a toll on unions. According to his report, “The State of Working New York 2012,” the number of construction jobs in the city has declined by 23,000 in the past four years.
Union Jobs Plummet in the Private Sector
September 4, 2012 |
September 4, 2012. Patrick McGeehan mentioned this year’s edition of The State of Working New York in a New York Times story.
The study coincided with a report from the Fiscal Policy Institute that found that most of the jobs that have been created in the city during the economic recovery have been in industries that tend to pay low wages, including restaurants, retail and home health care.
James Parrott, chief economist for the institute, which is supported by labor unions, noted that the deep slump in construction in the city has taken a toll on unions. According to his report, “The State of Working New York 2012,” the number of construction jobs in the city has declined by 23,000 in the past four years.