FPI is part of the story statewide and nationally.
Dominican Today 12/24/2020, FPI cited in “Dominicans in New York are confident in the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine”
State of Politics 12/21/2020, FPI cited in “Who Wants to Tax the Rich? These Assembly Lawmakers”
Daily News 12/22/2020, FPI cited in “Fiscal watchdogs want transparency from N.Y. over withheld funds”
Daily News 12/21/2020, link to FPI provided in “Down to brass tax: Gov. Cuomo is right in a fiscal standoff with the state Assembly speaker”
Press-Republication 12/17/2020, Ron Deutsch quoted in “Rich NY’ers would pay more in taxes in plan”
Fox Business 12/17/2020, FPI cited in “New York state lawmakers weigh tax increase on wealthy”
Daily News Wealth Taxes 12/17/2020, FPI cited in “NY state lawmakers plan to raise taxes on residents earning $1m that could be BACKDATED to plug $8.7bn shortfall amid fears it will fuel exodus of the rich to Miami and Austin”
Daily Star 12/15/2020, Ron Deutsch quoted in “Union-backed plan would hike taxes on richest New Yorkers”
Wall Street Journal 12/16/2020, Ron Deutsch quoted in “New York State Lawmakers Weigh Tax Increase on Wealthy”
Capital Tonight, Spectrum News 12/8, FPI policy analyst Shamier Settle was interviewed on her new report “The Rising Burden of Education Debt on Older New Yorkers” as well as in this article “Older People Feeling Weight of Student Loans”
Bloomberg Wealth 12/4 FPI’s chief economist Jonas Shaende quoted on pied-a-terre in “Tax on Second Home in New York City: NY State Lawmakers Revive Pied-a-Terre Plan”
MyTwinTiers.com (Elmira) 12/1 FPI cited as a data source in “Appeals court strikes down immigrant licenses law challenge”