Driver’s Licenses for Noncitizens

April 19, 2017. Anu Joshi, of the New York Immigration Coalition, discusses the positive impacts of allowing undocumented immigrants to  obtain driver’s licenses in New York in an interview with Liz Benjamin on Capital Tonight. She repeatedly cites FPI’s report, “Expanding Access to Driver’s Licenses,” and its finding that include $57 M in state and local tax revenue and safer roads.
We have the research to back it up, you know, the Fiscal policy institute talks about how this would bring every year, $57 million to the state of New York and counties from gas tax, from sales tax, from registration, and fees.

Here is the link to the Spectrum News transcript and full interview.

Published On: April 19th, 2018Categories: FPI in the News

Driver’s Licenses for Noncitizens

April 19, 2017. Anu Joshi, of the New York Immigration Coalition, discusses the positive impacts of allowing undocumented immigrants to  obtain driver’s licenses in New York in an interview with Liz Benjamin on Capital Tonight. She repeatedly cites FPI’s report, “Expanding Access to Driver’s Licenses,” and its finding that include $57 M in state and local tax revenue and safer roads.
We have the research to back it up, you know, the Fiscal policy institute talks about how this would bring every year, $57 million to the state of New York and counties from gas tax, from sales tax, from registration, and fees.

Here is the link to the Spectrum News transcript and full interview.

Published On: April 19th, 2018Categories: FPI in the News