Erie County Clerk Says He Won’t Issue Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants
May 18, 2018 |
May 17, 2018. This article discusses Erie County’s Clerk Mickey Kearns’ statement that he is in opposition to the Driver License Access and Privacy Act which would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. The article goes on to quote others who are in support of the act and would like to see it passed. Those that support it say that it will increase public safety, improve community members’ lives, and generate county revenue.
According to labor-backed think tank Fiscal Policy Institute, an estimated 265,000 immigrants would get licenses if the law is signed, including 2500 in Buffalo.
Assemblywoman Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes released the following statement in response to Kearns’ stance:
“In today’s society nothing is free, this includes the process for undocumented immigrants to become US Citizens. Migrant workers are out here every day to support their families and save money towards the naturalization process. Unless you are Native American, all of our families were immigrants at some point. They have families no different than ours and need to get to work, medical appointments and school. Driver’s licenses would ensure satisfactory knowledge of rules of the road. Research by the New York Immigration Coalition shows that if passed, registration fees, sales taxes and gas taxes would add an estimated $57 million in annual state and county revenues… Unlicensed drivers and uninsured motorists are just that, regardless if they are US Citizens or not. We should be focused on reducing both to keep everyone on our roadways safe.”
Here is the link to WFMY News 2.
Erie County Clerk Says He Won’t Issue Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants
May 18, 2018 |
May 17, 2018. This article discusses Erie County’s Clerk Mickey Kearns’ statement that he is in opposition to the Driver License Access and Privacy Act which would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. The article goes on to quote others who are in support of the act and would like to see it passed. Those that support it say that it will increase public safety, improve community members’ lives, and generate county revenue.
According to labor-backed think tank Fiscal Policy Institute, an estimated 265,000 immigrants would get licenses if the law is signed, including 2500 in Buffalo.
Assemblywoman Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes released the following statement in response to Kearns’ stance:
“In today’s society nothing is free, this includes the process for undocumented immigrants to become US Citizens. Migrant workers are out here every day to support their families and save money towards the naturalization process. Unless you are Native American, all of our families were immigrants at some point. They have families no different than ours and need to get to work, medical appointments and school. Driver’s licenses would ensure satisfactory knowledge of rules of the road. Research by the New York Immigration Coalition shows that if passed, registration fees, sales taxes and gas taxes would add an estimated $57 million in annual state and county revenues… Unlicensed drivers and uninsured motorists are just that, regardless if they are US Citizens or not. We should be focused on reducing both to keep everyone on our roadways safe.”
Here is the link to WFMY News 2.