Keeping Mass Transit on Track

September 18, 2002 |

September 18, 2002. This issue of Fiscal Policy Note$ reviews the importance of the mass transit system to the NYC metropolitan area economy, and the importance of restoring NYS and NYC financial support for the MTA to earlier levels. Report >>

Published On: September 18th, 2002Categories: Economic Outlook, Economic Trends & Policy, Reports, Briefs and Presentations

Keeping Mass Transit on Track

September 18, 2002 |

September 18, 2002. This issue of Fiscal Policy Note$ reviews the importance of the mass transit system to the NYC metropolitan area economy, and the importance of restoring NYS and NYC financial support for the MTA to earlier levels. Report >>

Published On: September 18th, 2002Categories: Economic Outlook, Economic Trends & Policy, Reports, Briefs and Presentations