The Public Cost of Privatized Medicare: How Medicare Advantage is hurting Medicare beneficiaries and other New York taxpayers

July 6, 2007 |

July 6, 2007. New York’s Child Health Plus expansion is being jeopardized by Medicare Advantage overpayments. How? A report from FPI and Citizen Action New York finds that a privatized Medicare plan is costing taxpayers $709 million in overpayments for New York alone – and NY beneficiaries paid $35 million in extra premiums. FPI and CANY point out that these funds would be better used to finance Governor Spitzer’s plan to cover all uninsured children. Press release, full report.

Published On: July 6th, 2007Categories: Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget

The Public Cost of Privatized Medicare: How Medicare Advantage is hurting Medicare beneficiaries and other New York taxpayers

July 6, 2007 |

July 6, 2007. New York’s Child Health Plus expansion is being jeopardized by Medicare Advantage overpayments. How? A report from FPI and Citizen Action New York finds that a privatized Medicare plan is costing taxpayers $709 million in overpayments for New York alone – and NY beneficiaries paid $35 million in extra premiums. FPI and CANY point out that these funds would be better used to finance Governor Spitzer’s plan to cover all uninsured children. Press release, full report.

Published On: July 6th, 2007Categories: Reports, Briefs and Presentations, Tax & Budget