November 20, 2018. This article discusses the Trump administration’s proposed “public charge” rule, which would make it harder for immigrants to obtain legal permanent residency if they currently use or have used specific public benefits. The author makes a comparison between Amazon and the “Public Charge” rule, which is that Amazon plans to bring 25,000 jobs to New York, while according to an FPI analysis, the “public charge” rule would cost New York a 25,000 job loss. The author also highlights the possible “chilling effects” of the rule, which would discourage immigrants who are not affected from disenrolling or not enrolling for benefits in a time of need. The author also notes that the rule could cost the New York economy $2.2 billion in direct federal funding to the state, and a $3.6 billion loss in rippled effects to grocery stores, doctors’ offices and hospitals.
Amazon is set to bring 25,000 jobs to New York state but a proposal from President Trump to change welfare and immigration policies could take as many away.
Councilman Stephen Levin offered up the eye-popping figure at a City Council hearing on the President’s “public charge” proposal, which could force thousands of legal immigrants here to choose between public benefits like SNAP food stamps and a path to legal permanent residency. The proposal would count the acceptance of food benefits, Medicaid and other social services programs against an immigrant’s application for a green card.
“Every SNAP dollar spent by recipient generates $1.79 in economic activity. Every $1 billion in Snap benefits creates 9,000 full-time jobs. The economic impact of this proposed rule on New York City would be devastating. Potentially up to 25,000 full time jobs — when we talk about the Amazon issue, that’s how many jobs could be lost by this proposed rule alone,” Levin said.
Levin was citing a report by the Fiscal Policy Institute, which estimated that 25,000 jobs would be lost statewide if 25% of the people likely to be be worried about the rule charge — families where at least one person is a non-citizen immigrant and one person has received the public benefits at stake — unenroll from food stamps or Medicaid.
In addition to the 25,000 lost jobs, that scenario would also lead to a loss of $2.2 billion in direct federal funding to the state, and a $3.6 billion loss in rippled effects to grocery stores, doctors’ offices and hospitals, according to the Fiscal Policy Institute.
Here is the link to the New York Daily News.