Yearly Archives: 2010

The New York State Lottery: A Regressive Tax

March 29, 2010. Voluntary payments to the government are generally not thought of as taxes. But states have begun in the last 30 years to obtain significant revenue from lottery sales. Looking at induced lottery purchases as a tax, with very little direct or indirect benefit to the vast majority of purchasers, this analysis confirms conclusions in other studies that it is an extremely regressive tax. By FPI research associate Brent Kramer, published by Tax Analysts in State Tax Notes.

China trade gap displaces 140,000 New York jobs

March 23, 2010. China's currency manipulation fuels continued trade imbalance. New York has lost 140,000 predominantly middle-wage manufacturing jobs in recent years as a result of China's unfair trade practices, according to a new report from the Economic Policy Institute. Press release with data for New York Congressional districts >>

The Ravitch Plan

March 11, 2010. James Parrott, FPI's Deputy Director  and Chief Economist, was a guest on the Brian Lehrer Show today. He discussed Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch's plan to reform the New York  State budget process and to borrow money to help solve New York State's fiscal  problems. Listen >>

2012-04-11T19:03:56-04:00March 11th, 2010|Blog, State Budget, Tax & Budget, Tax Policy|

New York’s Unemployment Crisis

March 10, 2010.  An update from the Fiscal Policy Institute: In January 2010,  852,000 New Yorkers were unemployed, including 413,000 New York City residents. This fact sheet includes data on New York unemployment rates and payroll job losses, including FPI estimates of unemployment by gender, race, and ethnicity, and long-term unemployment.

Balancing the New York State Budget in an Economically Sensible Manner

March 10, 2010. New York State should balance its budget during the current economic downturn in ways that will not make economic conditions worse. The budget balancing strategies of the early 1990s should be avoided, while those of 2003 and 2009 demonstrate the benefits of more balanced approaches to budget balancing. The wisest policy choices are  those that will take the least amount of demand possible out of the state economy; this brief contains a number of specific options.

Revenue-raising and cost-saving options

February 22, 2010. The Fiscal Policy Institute worked with the other members of the Better Choice Budget Campaign to develop a menu of revenue-raising and cost-saving options for consideration by the Governor and Legislature as they work to adopt a balanced budget for 2010-2011. The chart of options was distributed at a press conference today at which advocates urged the governor and legislature to make "better choices" to balance the state budget - calling for more federal aid, and for Wall Street to help Main Street. FPI, New Yorkers [...]

Briefing on Mayor Bloomberg’s Preliminary FY 2011 New York City Budget

February 9, 2010. Despite Wall Street's rebound, unemployment and hardship are extremely high for most New Yorkers; at best, recovery will be very gradual. This briefing finds that the Mayor's proposed budget cuts and the state budget-related contingency cuts will worsen unemployment and hardship. To mitigate the harmful impact of the budget, increased federal fiscal aid is the highest priority, followed by progressive income tax increases - less harmful than budget cuts. Briefing >>

Analyzing the Economy of a Large, Urban County: The Case of Kings County, New York

January 2010. An article by James Parrott that shows available data (in this case, for Brooklyn - Kings County) can be used to estimate the economic impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) at the county level. Published in The Journal of County Administration, Parrott's article begins on page 3 of the issue; see also an introduction by the president of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce (p. 1) and an editorial touting such research (p. 10).

Testimony on Employee Misclassification in New York’s Underground Economy – Assembly Labor Committee

January 27, 2010. Testimony presented by James Parrott, FPI's Deputy Director and Chief Economist, to the Assembly Labor Committee. Research shows that misclassification of employees as so-called independent contractors places a significant burden on taxpayers (including unpaid income taxes as well as avoidance of unemployment benefits and health insurance premiums) and has the broader effect of weakening job security and even physical safety. Over decades, government has established employment standards and social insurance systems to protect workers and responsible businesses from those who would cut [...]

2020-11-13T14:50:34-05:00January 27th, 2010|Economic Outlook, Economic Trends & Policy, Testimony|

Immigrants in New York City: Economic Profile by Country of Origin

January 21, 2010. Data citywide as well as specific to countries of origin (in order of population impact): Dominican Republic, Mexico, India, China, Jamaica, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana and British Guiana, Philippines, Haiti, El Salvador, Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, Poland, Peru, Italy, Russia and other USSR, Ukraine, Pakistan, Cuba, Bangladesh, and Hong Kong.

2012-02-23T21:50:20-05:00January 21st, 2010|Migration, Reports, Briefs and Presentations|
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