Are Refugee Employees Good Talent Source for Manufacturers?

June 7, 2018. This article, featured in Industry Week, provides an overview of FPI and the Tent Foundation’s co-released report, “Refugees as Employees: Good Retention, Strong Recruitment.” The findings that are outlined include refugee turnover rates were lower for all industries, three-quarters of the firms surveyed saw lower turnover rates for refugees than overall employees and firms saw improved management skills in their managers.

Employers that hire refugees see positive outcomes for their businesses, according to a recent report by the Fiscal Policy Institute and the Tent Partnership for Refugees.

When employers hire refugees they see lower turnover rates among refugees, and widen their pool of potential employees. In addition, many see overall improvements in the company, with their managers becoming more versatile as they adjust to working with a more diverse workforce.

“We found employers were enthusiastic about their refugee employees, and they were proud of their managers, who had gotten to be better at their jobs as they adapted to the changing environment,” said David Dyssegaard Kallick, deputy director of the Fiscal Policy Institute and co-author of the report. “Managers got better at communicating clearly and simply with all employees. And they got better at hiring people on the basis of their potential to do the job rather than on their prior knowledge of a specific skill set.”

Here is the link to Industry Week.

Published On: June 7th, 2018Categories: FPI in the News

Are Refugee Employees Good Talent Source for Manufacturers?

June 7, 2018. This article, featured in Industry Week, provides an overview of FPI and the Tent Foundation’s co-released report, “Refugees as Employees: Good Retention, Strong Recruitment.” The findings that are outlined include refugee turnover rates were lower for all industries, three-quarters of the firms surveyed saw lower turnover rates for refugees than overall employees and firms saw improved management skills in their managers.

Employers that hire refugees see positive outcomes for their businesses, according to a recent report by the Fiscal Policy Institute and the Tent Partnership for Refugees.

When employers hire refugees they see lower turnover rates among refugees, and widen their pool of potential employees. In addition, many see overall improvements in the company, with their managers becoming more versatile as they adjust to working with a more diverse workforce.

“We found employers were enthusiastic about their refugee employees, and they were proud of their managers, who had gotten to be better at their jobs as they adapted to the changing environment,” said David Dyssegaard Kallick, deputy director of the Fiscal Policy Institute and co-author of the report. “Managers got better at communicating clearly and simply with all employees. And they got better at hiring people on the basis of their potential to do the job rather than on their prior knowledge of a specific skill set.”

Here is the link to Industry Week.

Published On: June 7th, 2018Categories: FPI in the News